Kicking Skills of Lama Paai

Kicking techniques of Lama Kung-FuWe have already seen that the classical saying “Southern Fists, Northern Kicks” (Naam Kyun Bak Teui) is not exactly correct. Plenty of Southern Chinese styles have very extensive kicking arsenal.

Articles about Hung Ga No Shadow Kick and kicking techniques of Mok Ga Kyun were welcomed by our readers, so here is another ass-kicking  article, this time devoted to the leg arsenal of the famous Tibetan kung-fu system, the art of Lama Paai of Lo Wai Keung sifu.

Please download the article from an old kung-fu magazine, showing the kicking techniques of Lama kung-fu and their practical fighting application.

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Jeet Kune Do Jerry Poteet sifu (1946-2012)

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Introduction to the Hung Ga lineage Wong Lei – Leung Kam Kwong – Wong Chung Man, Part 2


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