Free Poster: Hung Ga Kyun’s “Iron Thread Set” (Tit Sin Kyun)

Hung Ga Kyun's "Iron Wire Set" (Tit Sin Kyun)Another free Hung Ga Kyun poster to download – Ng Bing Kuen sifu’s “Iron Wire Set” (Tit Sin Kyun), Hung Ga Kyun’s high level form focussing on qigong.

Ng sifu is well known for his openness and willingness to share this treasure. He teaches in Shaukeiwan, on Hongkong island.

Ng sifu can be reached through his student, Jeroen Kloppenburg.

Click the image  (it will open a higher resolution version of the poster), right click and  “save as”.

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Hung Ga Kyun's "Iron Wire Set" (Tit Sin Kyun)

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