I am sitting on my balcony in Fatsaan, China, and thinking how to start…
I have stayed in here over then three years and during this time I’ve met many sifus around Gwongdung province. One of real sifu and treasure man who I have met here is Leung Wai Wing sifu of Hung Sing Choi Lei Fat.
Leung sifu is one of the best from Fatsaan Hung Sing Gwun clan. Meeting him is enjoyable anytime. That is not just about his Choi Lei Fat but also about his personality. He taught me a lot whta does it take to be a real master, how to take care about students and their personal feelings etc. I think that was a reason why Beijing TV team has chosen him to make short documentary movie about gungfu master.
Their spent over one week with him and his students and made a lot of material. You can see their work in this 15 minutes movie – it more about him then Choi Lei Fat but I believe you will enjoy it!
I have met Leung sifu on numerous occassions in China – he is very enthusiastic abou gungfu, openminded and friendly.
Btw. i like the intro (the gwai lou with tattosis Lukas, the author) when he speaks about Choi Ga strikes, Lei Ga kicks and Fat Ga palms, interesting!
What a great Sifu. Thanks for the clip!