by manofjow » Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:37 pm
Man did you see how the online version of his book turns the pages...THAT IS DOPE !!!
I see that Rahim is indeed the Quiet Warrior. He doesn't talk much, but he is ALWAYS doing something BIG.......then you just end up hearing or seeing it.
Wow and to think I was thinking of doing an online comic/photo story line of the Jow Family, but from a fictional aspect. This may inspire me to go ahead and do it. Remember Kill Bill, how they mixed the film with cartoon and real filming???? That was going to be the concept but drawings and photos (You know I cannot put the camera down).
Thanks for the info. I will head to his school and get two copies; one to read and the other to put in a clear plastic case ...not to be open until I'm gone....LOL !!!
Mo, I just want to say that I really appreciate seeing your posts here. I am constantly searching Youtube and the web in general for our families' ACTIVITIES, I just read and don't respond.............but I guess I can start.
Jow Peace