Paau Fa Lin Wing Chun – Gwok So sifu

Ivan Rzounek Wing Chun ResearchNote: Following article is the first one of oncomming series of articles written by my good friend Ivan Rzounek sifu (Wing Chun Kuen Research), dedicated to survey of various Wing Chun schools, families and branches.

In 2000 i have been living with Martina for 3 months in Wong Nim Yi sifu’s home in Canton, studying his family system of Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun. One day Wong sifu took us to Foshan Ching Woo to attend a local Kung-Fu celebration with the performance of many famous masters of various Kung-Fu styles. You will see the whole footage of the event later – including Martina’s unplanned performance.

For now let me present Gwok So sifu, student of Lao Dat Sang (Paau Fa Lin Wing Chun 刨花蓮詠春), and brother of Gwok Gaai sifu. With a master Gwok Gaai later we were very good friends. “Paau Fa Lin Wing Chun” is rare Wing Chun style, even in the “Wing Chun city” Fatsaan. At public demonstrations this style can be seen only rarely.

As an interesting point I want to draw attention to the man sitting in front of us and that sometimes turns and speaks to us. It’s a Grand Master Sum Nung (Sam Nang 岑能). It was my first encounter with him and later we had inside Foshan Ching Woo (Fatsaan Jing Mou) very nice and long conversation in which he invited me, Martina and my student Danny to visit him (I will show his performance at a later date).

Can you imagine? Grand Master Sum Nung and Sifu Wong Nim Yi in one place? Despite the fact that GM Sam Nang was one of the teachers of Grand Master “Mai Gei Wong”, their relationship was complicated…

Stay tuned for other interesting Wing Chun videos and articles coming soon!

About the Author: Ivan Rzounek sifu has started to learn martial arts in 1976 (Greco-Roman Wrestling), in 1983 he has started with Shotokan Karate. Since 1988 he trains Wing Chun. Please visit the webpage of his School and Wing Chun Research, as well his school’s Facebook page and YouTube profile.

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