Seeking People interested in White Crane
Hi all,
The White Crane Research Institute Inc (WCRI) is seeking serious people interested in our White Crane and Weapons and in eventually learning our art with a view to setting up a training group (Wushu Guan) in your area and representing the aims of the WCRI. We will offer all materials and resources to help one come to an understanding of our teachings leading up to hands on training.
Traditionally, each Chinese martial arts school was a “family” – and this is how I see my own particular Gongfu school. Not everyone is welcome at my school but then White Crane Boxing is not for everyone. For those that do stay, they will never look back. We don’t go for all the silliness that so many Martial Arts organizations seem to adopt. Stay with us awhile and you will understand what I mean … It’s up to you to make up your mind if we offer what you are looking for ...... Honestly, I don’t care if we do or don’t. You see, we train for ourselves, not others.
Not everyone can be a member of the WCRI. If you wish to apply to join the WCRI and are interested in representing our aims and the various forms of White Crane Gongfu and related arts then your first step is to contact us directly, outlining your background and why it is you want to join the WCRI and what you hope to gain from our Association. You must be active in your promotion of White Crane Gongfu and seek to ensure that the heart and spirit of the art is transmitted to others. You should:
•Live according to your moment to moment inspiration. Living according to your heart.
•Stand out from the crowd.
•Be a leader, not a follower.
•Think for yourself. Make your own mind up. Don’t just follow the crowd, be a rebel who makes his/her own path.
•Be willing and open to new ideas.
Interested persons should first view our web site and then contact us care of the forms on the site. Before you judge you should read the WHOLE web site, read ALL its contents and then maybe you might change your view or maybe not. At the very least you'd have a better understanding then you do now ... hey you may even find something small of value or interest!
The modernization and commercial considerations of the martial arts has changed to face of the arts. The arts themselves have been watered down into a trendy pastime fuelled by television images and the movies. The arts standards have been lowered to meet the modern aims of making money.
However the WCRI is a small yet dedicated group of like-minded people seeking to reverse this trend and is not influenced of being trendy or in making a profit from the art. We don’t have “fees”. Students donate towards our Accreditation, Insurance, Classes and Association. The students elect to donate based on what they deem reasonable for fees etc. We do not charge fee's for membership, rather we rely on Donations from our members/seekers. A donation could be in the area of say anything from say $50.00 to $100 ... it's up to the individual and what their own life-circumstances allow them to do. Please keep in mind, that an instructor gives a great deal for little in return.
We seek to maintain the integrity of our teachings in the face of much adversity.
We have a genuine respect for the art. We are NOT interested in nor will we enter into White Crane or Martial Arts Politics. Our art form is all that matters.
If this sounds like you then please feel free to contact us: (Only serious people need apply!
If you think we have something to offer then we desire that we take this slowly ... I really need to know more about you ... Not only as a potential Seeker or martial artist but as a person as well. I want to be 100% sure that what we have and who we share it with is done with the correct spirit befitting same.
You could start by sending me some recent photo's and a bit of a resume on your martial arts background. Why is it that White Crane in particular seems to hold your interest? What do you know of White Crane Gongfu? From what sources?
As stated earlier it's not as easy as filling out a form or two and making a donation. We within the WCRI are an incredibly tight-knit group of people with the same aim and spirit. Finding like-minded people in the minefield of the martial arts as it is today is not easy.
We are a very, and I mean very, different group of people with such a vastly unique and different approach to the martial arts then anyone else on the planet!
Money is not a concern. Marketing is not a concern. Ranks, titles are not of interest. Having schools everywhere is not our aim. Expressing the unique spirit of the martial arts as we believe them to originally have been is our aim. Having the right heart within ... Now that is vitally important!!!