Ling Naam Wing Chun Kuen

Ling Naam Wing ChunMany years ago I believed that Wing Chun in China is probably dead – based on bad information from ill-informed European instructors, who often without thinking repeated the lies of others. Of course it is not and never was true! From about 1994, when I was in China for the first time I experienced a many of different lines, schools, masters and enthusiasts WingChun! Today everyone knows that already, but it was not always so…

One of the schools that still escapes the general interest is Ling Naam Wing Chun 嶺南詠春. This style is based on the teachings of several masters – it’s especially Gwongjau Wing Chun 广州 咏春 of Sam Nang  Sifu 岑能師傅, Siu Lam Wing Chun 少 林永春  of Baak Cheung sifu 白昌 師傅 and Chan Yumin Wing Chun 陈汝棉永春.

Today’s greatest popularizer of this style in China is  Fok Jan Kau sifu 霍振球師傅 (1959), who started learning Wing Chun with his father  Fok Jeun Fan 霍骏勋 (1928-1990) – he was in 1948 one of the first students’ of Gwongjau Wing Chun.

I know Fok Jan Kau sifu since 1999 and his LingNaam Wing Chun has always amazed me with fighting and predatory manner of presentation – the is no doubt about fighting skills of his students. It has interesting curriculum, which consists of:

  • Traditionally, as in Gwongjau Wing Chun: Sap Yi Sik 十二 式, Siu Lin Tau 小 练 头, Cham Kiu 寻 桥, Biu Ji 标 指
  • Furthermore: Siu Fuk Kyun 小伏拳, pole 棍 (single 单头棍 and double ended 双头棍), knives 刀, wooden dummy 木人桩法
  • Of course Chi Sau, two man drills and other exercises in pairs and in individual schools then teach other skills.

Last year two of my students (who had lived at that time in Fatsaan, China, practiced gungfu and one of them still lives and trains over there ) reported that on a visit to the city Chingyun (清远, Qingyuan) they  were completely captivated by the local school Ling Naam Wing Chun and their local fighters surprised them with fighting using tailor scissors (!) etc.

About the Author: Ivan Rzounek sifu has started to learn martial arts in 1976 (Greco-Roman Wrestling), in 1983 he has started with Shotokan Karate. Since 1988 he trains Wing Chun. Please visit the webpage of his School and Wing Chun Research, as well his school’s Facebook page and YouTube profile.

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